Tuesday, December 28, 2010

This year already in full 65-year-old Li Yi

(Responsibility editor:Huang Shan)
Yesterday, the Standing Committee of the National People is Congress through decided to decide to avoid the industry in Li Yi and information-based department(called "work letter department" as follows) a minister job.Before now December 9, quitted office in Li Yi the work letter department party set secretary.
Everythings are all like the external world guess of so change in succession.In March, this year already in full 65-year-old Li Yi, arrive the age that the staff from department class in province retires.
From win a petrochemical president to arrive a country to support Wei pair director, serve as from the front line the Jian bureau bureau chief of Anne to work believes radical to allow Zhang disciple, every time turns round to all carry important responsibility in Li Yi.

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