Monday, January 3, 2011

Cure second state Atlanta City in the Zuo

Reach beautiful airline spokesman be willing to especially ·orchid the virtuous Si say and reach beautiful cancel because of the weather reason original take off on the 26th of 500 sortie services.Cure second state Atlanta City in the Zuo, reach the United States to cancel original 800300 sorties in the sortie serviceses.
The orchid virtuous Si says that reaching the United States has already notified to be subjected to traveller of the influence.The company will pay attention to the weather circumstance and adjust a service arrangement in good time and probably further cancel part to take off on the 27th of service.
He suggests on the 27th and embarks to reach on the 28th the United States the service go to the travellers of New York, Boston and the etc. ground of Washington to adjust a line arrangement.

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